Mission Statement
Dedication to upholding a tradition of supporting affordable and accessible year-round mountain experiences centered around our lodge in the spirit of fun and friendship for families, youths, and all mountain enthusiasts.

Club System
DB Version: 2022.04.00
Code Version: 2022.04.00
Please consult FAQ first before sendind and email or calling, thanks!
For questions about the Lodge, Accomodations, How to Book Bunks, please consult our
FAQ pages first before contacting us by email or phone. THANKS!
Lodge Address and Phone
lodge phone number in Government Camp is (503)
272-9204. The Lodge Manager's cell phone: (971)275-6878. The Lodge address is:
Cascade Ski Club
30510 E. Blossom Trail
P.O. Box 232
Government Camp, OR 97028
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